To people who want to guest post but don't know where to get started
Do you:
Hi, I'm Sana. I get it. I used to be in the same place but
After some massive changes & learnings, I've been seen on
What no one is telling you about why guest posting feels so darn complicated
If you’re like most online business owners, then you’re probably consuming as much guest posting advice as you can to figure out the best way to start.
That’s definitely a solution. It gives you a sense of the excellent opportunity for traffic, email list subscribers, and expert status guest posting gives you, when it's done right.
But there’s one huge problem…
There is a lot of information out there on how to guest post, and most of it conflicts!
Now you could roll up your sleeves and try a bunch of different approaches. But let’s be honest, do you really want to spend hours and days trying different tactics when you are not sure they are going to work? Especially when you have so many other things to do in your work (and life).
You don’t want to take time and energy out to take actions that get absolutely zero results! That would be too frustrating.
I completely understand how you feel because I used to be in the same place, until I discovered there is a much easier way to win successful guest posts. All you have to do is take a page from a venture capitalist’s book.
More about that in a second, but first let's talk about why most guest posting courses don’t work.
Why most guest posting courses don’t work
Most guest posting courses provide a bird’s eye view of the steps to getting accepted. They leave a lot of gaps.
They don’t cover:
When you don't succeed, online gurus just pacify you with platitudes - they don't actually tell you what to change to improve your results! Talk about unethical...
Here is a platitude used by one famous online business coach, that really gets my goat…
Think about your guest posting like venture capitalists think of their investments, as a numbers game. VCs know that only one out of every 10 investments pay off. Just keep trying and eventually you will get a single wildly successful guest post that will pay off for all the rest.
Here’s why this platitude pisses me off–its overly simplistic!
As someone who has worked very closely with VCs for years (I ran a famous incubator), I can tell you VCs do not just spray their fund money out there and pray that at least one of them pays off!
The same is true of guest posting.
Want consistent guest posting success?
Do not spray pitches out there and pray that they some get accepted!
- Use data to pinpoint the best places you should guest post
- Know the benchmarks you need to hit with guest posting
- If you do not hit those benchmarks have a clear sense of what to do to improve
You are in luck because that is exactly what this course is all about.
Here is why this course works
This course works. But you don’t have to take my word for it see for yourself. Here are 5 good reasons why this course is the best way to win more guest posts…
🖐🏼 5 reasons this course works
Also remember that what you're looking at is only a template. Maybe you want to spend more time on the story. Maybe you want to add several more headline + text blocks, to really elaborate and evoke emotions. With Thrive, you can easily do so (just duplicate some of the existing blocks). Let the template inspire you, but don't let it limit you.
A proven guest posting system
Auto-sabotage proof guest posting
Figure out if guest posting should be your list building strategy
Quickly master creating profitable guest post content
Cut the time it takes you to write the quality guest post by at least 50%
Reason 1: You get a proven guest posting system
This system works even if you just got started and have zero connections, followers, or content. That’s where I used to be and I was still able to use guest posting to get featured on places like:
But Sana that might just be your good looks and charms.
Well no--it's not just me.
Check out what some of our students have said and imagine getting these kinds of results:
Reason #2 You auto-sabotage proof your guest posting
It's easy to sabotage yourself by productive procrastination on guest posting, probably more than any other business task. You can spend months doing things to get ready to guest post like redesign your website, research influencers to guest post with, polishing your pitch etc. All without sending a single pitch out there.
If that is you, you aren’t alone–we all procrastinate when things get too complicated. It is also not your fault–your brain is simply trying to protect you from failure. Good news is this is another area where this course helps.
This course auto-sabotage proofs your guest posting by showing you the minimum green-light benchmarks for your pre-pitch preparation. So say goodbye to months of “getting ready,” this course will show you the minimum prep required for successful guest post pitches.
Reason #3 You can finally figure out if guest posting is the right list building strategy for you
Are you hit with the nagging feeling that guest posting may not be the best use of your time? Maybe when your looking up places to guest post? Or when you are coming up with pitching ideas? Do you then find yourself procrastinating, hoping you will come across something somewhere that convinces you that guest posting is indeed worth your time.
This course will help. I show you how to figure out if guest posting is the best approach for list building in your niche. I also show you the 7 minute test you can use to figure out if guest posting on a specific blog will help you attract new quality subscribers to your list. Imagine about all the time and energy it will free up when you so you can stop second guessing and just take action.
Reason #4: You master creating profitable guest post content quickly
Creating content for yourself is hard enough. But creating guest posting content can be 10X harder. You cannot predict how the influencer’s audience will receive your post. And you don’t want to publish a guest post only for it to be largely ignored. This course will show you a simple hack to create profitable guest posts that attract traffic, subscribers, and real buyers every single time!
Reason #5: You cut the time it takes you to write the quality guest post by at least 50%
Do you feel unmotivated to guest post because even if you get accepted it will take you forever to create the type quality guest post the host wants? Well you are in luck because in this course I will show you how to create quality guest posts your host expects using two simple emails!
This course will help with all of these by teaching you:
You can see there are a whole lot of benefits to this course.
Introducing the Surefire Way to Win Amazing Guest Posts that Get You Traffic, Subscribers and Expert Status
Ready Set Guest Post
Here is what you get with Ready Set Guest Post:
- 1
The step-by-step system proven to win guest posts across niches that you can use to get started with guest posting today!
- 2The <7 minute test you can use to figure out if guest posting is right for you given your specific situation
- 3The 3 step plan you can use to convert people visiting from your guest post within the first 1.5 minutes
- 4The two simple emails you can use to create quality guest posts quickly!
- 5The course is designed for to execute and get results as you learn
How Much Is It?
This is the part of that’s going to have you grinning from ear to ear. That’s because usually this course is $50. But as a thank you to you for being a new subscriber you can get it today you can get it for $25 for a limited time.
Once the timer below runs out the price of the course will be $50.
Listen, you can’t afford to pass up this opportunity. If you try to guest post without this course you risk wasting a lot of time getting confused, frustrated and may be even quitting before getting any meaningful results.
Don’t let that happen to you!
Get this phenomenal deal while it lasts.
Some more kind words from our students
Take this course so you can stop wasting time!
I was unsure on how exactly to move forward but now feel confident to reach out. This course showed me that grabbing the attention of an influencer or magazine and getting my content there [with them] is a flow chart that I just need to follow. This is so helpful and I am only half way through! Take this course so you can stop wasting time!
Vaisnavi Prakash
Austere Skincare Founder
Loved, loved, loved! Genius really what you did and I have saved the resources for later when I get started on guest posting. 👏🏽
Trifina Sofian
Empowerment Coach for Cancer Patients & Survivors
Frequently Asked Questions
Influencers in my industry don’t seem to accept guest posts–won’t this be a waste of my time?
How long will it take me to execute what I learn in this course?
Isn’t guest posting a lot of work?
I just got started with my online business. I don’t have tons connections, followers, or content. Will this course work for me?
I don’t have a lot of great content on my site. Shouldn’t I work on that before guest posting?
Is guest posting the best list building tactic for me?
Why should I listen to you? Who are you?
A few reasons:
I used to be exactly where you are–I had just gotten started online. Didn’t know any influential people with sway who could endorse me and open doors.
Guest posting helped me change all this and win–the system I teach you in Ready Set Guest Post got me guest posting at super influential sites and has continued to pay off. I have guest posted at places like Venturebeat, Adweek, and spoken at conferences like BlogHer, ASKLive.
Even as someone who had just gotten started–At the time of my first guest post I had a sad looking site with barely any content and a handful of subscribers (not even my mother). So I know this system can work for you!
100% Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Sana Choudary
Creator of Ready Set Guest Posting
About the Author
Guest posting since 2009, Sana’s posts have been seen on places like Adweek, VentureBeat, and many others. She is on a mission to help online entrepreneurs like you grow their email list, expert status, and traffic by getting their guest posts published. When she isn't creating content and courses to help you do that you will find her meditating somewhere beautiful or looking at her toddler with unfathomable love.